
Zdeněk Sýkora / System und Kraft der Linie
Hagen, 30. 8. 2015 -14. 2. 2016

Since the mid 1960s, documenta participant Zdeněk Sýkora (1920-2011) has been a pioneer in international computer art. The forthcoming exhibition will feature Sýkora’s Lines paintings, which he started to create in 1973 and soon won major international acclaim. Though based on computer-generated series of random numbers, Sýkora’s constructivist paintings are completely under the artist’s control and thus cannot be entirely classified as “computer art”.

Zdeněk Sýkora remains one of his country’s most well-known artists and is exhibited worldwide. The Emil Schumacher Museum in Hagen is now presenting his first solo exhibition in Germany in many years, showing Sýkora’s concrete painting in relation to the expressive gesture painting of Emil Schumacher. Both artists worked with the principle of randomness and absolute freedom. Although formally they stand on opposite sides, artistically they are surprisingly close.

Rouven Lotz, 2015

Web muzea

Der Herr der Linien
Sehnsucht nach der Struktur
Za dílem Zdeňka Sýkory do německého Hagenu. Rozhovor s Lenkou Sýkorovou, Svobodný hlas, 9. 9. 2015
Zákulisí "žížal" Zdeňka Sýkory 

Zdeněk Sýkora / System und Kraft der Linie

Zdeněk Sýkora and Emil Schumacher - paintings of lines
Hagen, Emil Schumacher Museum
30. 8. 2015 -14. 2. 2016
Exhibition theme:  Lenka Sýkorová, Ulrich Schumacher, Rouven Lotz

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